Tarali! I love these crackers. Naples.

I love that they are made with lard. Some don’t have almonds, but I like when they have lots of almonds, because then they are so filling. I imagine they’re like hard tack, or whatever that biscuit is called that europeans used to bring on sea voyages when they started colonizing.

These are traditional of Naples.

If you look them up online you’ll see they have lots of fans like me.

Whole hazelnuts boiled in buckwheat breakfast – cooking nuts rather than topping things with them

Sometimes nuts make my throat itch, I guess I am a tiny bit allergic. Not only for this reason, I like to include them sometimes in the cooking of a meal, rather than as a topping which is more typical.

This is whole hazelnuts cooked with buckwheat flakes (kind of like oatmeal).

I’ve also put a bunch of walnuts into some vegetable I was cooking. It’s almost a meal then.

I’d like to look for recipes with cooked nuts. There is an Italian tomato based pasta sauce that uses walnuts. I also in Italy only a month ago had a whole squid stuffed with a mixture of ground walnuts, breadcrumbs, and Parmesan.