Bacon avocado carrot taco  

This was good! 

Corn tortilla, heated a smidge on a dry pan (is how I do it)

2 pieces of bacon, cooked not crispy, Still limp and chewy 

Avocado, I used 1/4 of a big one

Lemon on avocado! 

Carrots- sliced long ways. 

Don’t need salt because bacon is so salty! Just lemon is enough. 


Carrot butter sandwich

I always return to this. Pickled carrots on buttered toast.

There are many recipes for quick pickled carrots online. I first made this one, i think. From “Smitten Kitchen.”I next made one without sugar and with tons of coriander and it was not as good. But if you are avoiding sugar, just leave it out — they still do the trick!

Pickled Carrot Sticks
Adapted from Gourmet Magazine

1 pound carrots, cut into 3 1/2- by 1/3-inch sticks
1 1/4 cups water
1 cup cider or plain vinegar (the former makes a sweeter, milder brine)
1/4 cup sugar
2 garlic cloves, lightly crushed
1 1/2 tablespoons dill seeds*
1 1/2 tablespoons salt

Place carrots in a heatproof bowl. Bring remaining ingredients to a boil in saucepan, then reduce heat and simmer 2 minutes. Pour pickling liquid over carrots and cool, uncovered. Chill carrots, covered, at least 1 day for flavors to develop.

Carrots keep, chilled in an airtight container, 1 month.

Babaganoush… A word no one likes to say. Or write

It has such a mild flavor. I don’t think I’ve figured it out yet, but I like it. Here it is on two sandwiches and then tried as a sort of “dressing” on a tiny frisee salad. The dressing has potential. The others were good too, but the babaganoush mostly just added a buttery taste. And nutrition! Eggplant is good for you. Unless you are macrobiotic but that aspect of macrobiotics is weird.

Recipe: frisee with babaganoush

1.gather your frisee, however much you’d like. I can eat a lot at one time. Though that is not pictured below, because this was the last of what I had.

2. drizzle a little olive oil, or another kind of mild oil (actually maybe sesame oil would be really good! it is not a mild oil though, so whatever, any kind of oil). Add some apple cider vinegar. You are not trying to create a normal salad dressing. You want it tipped in the vinegar direction. just a tiny bit of oil, more vinegar, more acidic.

3. because then you put spoon some babaganoush on top, which is buttery and oily…

4. mix it up, or eat it with the babaganoush as a topping.

*don’t shy from mixing it with your hands at any stage