Incredible broccoli roasted with celery salt and oil

What is celery salt? I have no idea. Is it salt mixed with powdered celery? That seems likely. Was it used a lot in The 50’s? Anyways, it is great. It is such a complex flavor, akin to lemon zest. There’s a reason one of celery’s main uses is in stocks and soups. While once in a great while some cold raw stringy celery is perfect, it is not usually what I am hoping is for lunch. Celery salt allows you the addition of celery flavor, like in a broth, but for things that are not soupy, like, say, roasted broccoli.

There was just something about this that was so delectable. I couldn’t stop eating this broccoli. Use a lot of oil, and don’t take it out of the oven too soon

Celery salt!


1A. Preheat oven to 400.

1. 2 bunches of broccoli (or however much you want). Cut the florets off. I include the stalks too. They are great you just have to trim the outer layer if it is very tough– slice vertically down around all the sides. Then cut into “sticks” around the length of the florets. I didn’t used to know this and wasted so much broccoli!

2. Generously coat in grape seed oil. I use grapeseed for something like this because it has a high heat tolerance. For 2 bunches I would use maybe 2.5/3 tbsp.

3. Add some salt, regular salt. Just a bit, maybe 1/2 tsp. Add C e l e r y salt! Maybe 1 tbsp. mix it up.

4. Put in oven on a baking sheet or casserole dish for maybe 35-40 minutes, until it looks like photos below.


Tomatoes with poultry seasoning and salt


Also this would be a good grain salad, except for the that millet isn’t that good straight from the refrigerator. But this is stuff from meal before- baked chard stems and onions mixed with the millet and also some veggie curry😀 from deshi Bangladeshi store. 

And yes tomatoes with salt and poultry seasoning!! 

Chard, eggplant yum

*the real “recipe” here is the eggplant, will definitely repeat the combination of spices


Maybe my first time making eggplant not in ratatouille, which I have only made 2 or 3 times.

Thinking about herbs more. I roasted the eggplant w fresh thyme I happened to have, dried rosemary, cumin and salt. It was very good. Nice to have eggplant not so greasy as it often is in restaurants.


I love chard. The leaves were sautéed with chicken broth, salt and juice of half a lemon. This was three meager bunches.

Still thinking about when to use pepper… Only sometimes. salt always. Crud I forgot to put pepper in the millet. [that would be inspired by Doug warnock’s rice in idaho- it was white rice with butter and lots of black pepper–so good, first time I really considered pepper] so yes, for instance, here, I would salt the eggplant millet and chard, but only pepper the millet.

Chard stems

Stems chopped with one onion sliced thinly, coated in grape seed oil (high heat tolerant), ghee (trying it out😐), salt and pepper, damn can’t remember what spices. So good! I think inspired by the chard casserole I made awhile ago.


Salmon with poultry seasoning